English: "A receipt [i.e. recipe] for courtship", a Dec. 21st 1805 caricature mildly satirizing the courting customs or romance rituals of 1805 England.
Poem contained in caricature:
Two or three dears, and two or three sweets;
Two or three balls, and two or three treats;
Two or three serenades, given as a lure;
Two or three oaths how much they endure;
Two or three messages sent in a day;
Two or three times led out from the play;
Two or three soft speeches made by the way;
Two or three tickets for two or three times;
Two or three love letters writ all in rhymes;
Two or three months keeping strict to these rules,
Can never fail making a couple of fools.
The keyboard instrument at left signifies that music also played a role in the courtship process...
Edited from image on Library of Congress website at [1]
Bibliographic information found on the LoC site:
TITLE: A receipt for courtship
CALL NUMBER: PC 3 - 1805 - A receipt for courtship (A size) [P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZC4-4741 (color film copy transparency)
LC-USZ62-59614 (b&w film copy neg.)
No known restrictions on publication.
SUMMARY: Young man handing young woman a note; text of poem is caricature of romantic courtship.
MEDIUM: 1 print : engraving, color.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: London : published by Laurie & Whittle, 1805.
No. 417.
British Cartoon Collection (Library of Congress)
Cartoons (Commentary) British 1800-1810.
Engravings British Color 1800-1810.
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/PDMCreative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse
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Lisää yhden rivin pituinen kuvaus tästä tiedostosta
"A receipt ''[i.e. recipe]'' for courtship", a Dec. 21st 1805 caricature mildly satirizing the courting customs or romance rituals of 1805 England. Poem contained in caricature: :Two or three dears, and two or three sweets; :Two or three balls, and two