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Energy Consumption in kilograms of oil equivalent (kgoe) per person per year per country (2001 data).
Darker tones indicate larger consumption (dark grey areas are missing from the dataset).
Red hue indicates increasing consumption, green hue indicates decreasing consumption, in the time between 1990 and 2001.
The maximal consumption displayed is 10,000 kgoe p.c. p.a., the only countries with higher values being Qatar, Iceland and the United Arab Emirates. The change in consumption displayed ranges from -38% (Romania) to +94% (Qatar).
Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2003 Edition) and Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2003 Edition).
Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, 2004.
World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision. Dataset on CD-ROM. New York: United Nations.
Data used (2001 and 1990 numbers):
Albania 549.3 809.4
Algeria 957.5 956.4
Angola 662.1 672.4
Argentina 1534.8 1384.7
Armenia 743.8 ..
Australia 5974.9 5183.3
Austria 3789.9 3240.0
Azerbaijan 1408.0 ..
Bahrain 9323.2 9855.1
Bangladesh 144.9 118.3
Belarus 2444.9 ..
Belgium 5743.3 4884.6
Benin 317.5 360.9
Bolivia 503.6 416.0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1071.8 ..
Brazil 1063.5 893.7
Brunei 6339.2 5677.0
Bulgaria 2424.5 3305.8
Cameroon 417.7 431.4
Canada 7999.5 7548.1
C<F4>te d'Ivoire 403.6 353.5
Chile 1543.6 1040.5
China 886.5 753.4
Colombia 682.9 715.3
Congo (Kinshasa) 262.8 423.4
Congo (Brazaville) 302.1 318.7
Costa Rica 867.4 658.3
Croatia 1778.2 ..
Cuba 1214.7 1554.8
Cyprus 3109.0 2255.5
Czech Republic 4035.9 4599.4
Denmark 3706.1 3425.9
Dominican Republic 920.4 586.4
Ecuador 691.7 589.8
Egypt 694.6 574.2
El Salvador 676.2 496.1
Eritrea 200.4 ..
Estonia 3471.5 ..
Ethiopia 284.9 310.1
Finland 6517.9 5850.6
France 4458.6 4003.1
Gabon 1326.6 1350.5
Georgia 461.9 ..
Germany 4263.5 4484.5
Ghana 408.4 349.3
Gibraltar 6148.1 2629.6
Greece 2622.1 2183.2
Guatemala 623.6 511.7
Haiti 257.4 229.2
Honduras 488.9 496.3
Hong Kong 2358.8 1869.2
Hungary 2542.1 2746.5
Iceland 11800.0 8517.6
India 514.3 429.0
Indonesia 710.5 509.6
Iran 1784.5 1212.9
Iraq 1193.5 1201.8
Ireland 3876.1 3008.5
Israel 3432.6 2683.2
Italy 2990.2 2689.6
Jamaica 1540.1 1242.3
Japan 4091.5 3533.5
Jordan 987.1 1075.3
Kazakhstan 2596.0 ..
Kenya 495.0 529.1
North Korea 912.1 1647.3
South Korea 4131.8 2159.6
Kuwait 6956.2 3925.8
Kyrgyzstan 447.4 ..
Latvia 1827.7 ..
Lebanon 1536.6 851.4
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 2994.8 2680.2
Lithuania 2302.8 ..
Luxembourg 8693.9 9447.1
Macedonia FYR 1281.6 ..
Malaysia 2196.8 1258.3
Malta 1887.5 2150.0
Mexico 1515.8 1490.3
Moldova 734.3 ..
Morocco 372.0 273.8
Mozambique 422.3 534.9
Myanmar 252.2 263.7
Namibia 600.5 ..
Nepal 349.8 311.7
Netherlands 4831.3 4447.0
Netherlands Antilles 6557.6 10957.4
New Zealand 4795.3 4171.4
Nicaragua 536.5 553.9
Nigeria 810.1 824.3
Norway 5920.6 5067.7
Oman 3714.3 2472.6
Pakistan 441.0 391.6
Panama 1057.5 618.0
Paraguay 670.2 732.2
Peru 459.5 457.5
Philippines 546.3 463.0
Poland 2343.3 2619.9
Portugal 2465.1 1733.3
Qatar 26888.3 13820.1
Romania 1642.0 2689.0
Russia 4288.8 ..
Saudi Arabia 4844.1 3674.9
Senegal 330.4 304.7
Serbia and Montenegro 1523.1 ..
Singapore 7103.0 4428.7
Slovakia 3470.0 4076.5
Slovenia 3439.6 ..
South Africa 2425.7 2475.8
Spain 3116.4 2320.7
Sri Lanka 422.5 327.7
Sudan 420.7 426.3
Sweden 5762.3 5452.4
Switzerland 3906.2 3673.7
Syria 822.4 938.0
Tajikistan 494.1 ..
Tanzania 391.3 376.2
Thailand 1227.2 794.6
Togo 303.5 289.7
Trinidad and Tobago 6717.9 4769.5
Tunisia 856.5 674.5
Turkey 1045.5 920.3
Turkmenistan 3243.4 ..
Ukraine 2872.3 ..
United Arab Emirates 11331.7 8654.1
United Kingdom 3993.8 3738.1
United States 7920.9 7538.1
Uruguay 803.0 724.7
Uzbekistan 2000.9 ..
Venezuela 2216.2 2252.0
Vietnam 496.9 373.7
Yemen 190.9 219.9
Zambia 607.7 667.0
Zimbabwe 774.7 867.9
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Energy Consumption in kilograms of oil equivalent (kgoe) per person per year per country (2001 data). Darker tones indicate larger consumption (dark grey areas are missing from the dataset). Red hue indicates increasing consumption, green hue indicates d