Nederlands: A depiction of oversteer. Ideally, when the car reaches the turn, the driver will steer it along the line marked with green dots. However, if the car is too 'loose', it will understeer, following the red dotted line, potentially sending the car into a spin and leaving the road.
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nimeäminen – Sinun on mainittava lähde asianmukaisesti, tarjottava linkki lisenssiin sekä merkittävä, mikäli olet tehnyt muutoksia. Voit tehdä yllä olevan millä tahansa kohtuullisella tavalla, mutta et siten, että annat ymmärtää lisenssinantajan suosittelevan sinua tai teoksen käyttöäsi.
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2007-08-02 20:32 Den Hieperboree 500×500×0 (15205 bytes) {{Information |Description=A epiction of oversteer. Ideally, when the car reaches the turn, the driver will steer it along the line marked with green dots. However, if the car is too 'loose', it will understeer, following the red dotted line, potentially
2007-08-02 20:22 Den Hieperboree 639×753×0 (15175 bytes) {{Information |Description=A depiction of oversteer. Ideally, when the car reaches the turn, the driver will steer it along the line marked with green dots. However, if the car is too 'loose', it will understeer, following the red dotted line, potentially
2007-08-02 20:14 Den Hieperboree 442×482×0 (15169 bytes) {{Information |Description=A depiction of oversteer. Ideally, when the car reaches the turn, the driver will steer it along the line marked with green dots. However, if the car is too 'loose', it will understeer, following the red dotted line, potentially
Lisää yhden rivin pituinen kuvaus tästä tiedostosta
{{BotMoveToCommons|nl.wikipedia}} {{Information |Description={{nl|A depiction of oversteer. Ideally, when the car reaches the turn, the driver will steer it along the line marked with green dots. However, if the car is too 'loose', it will understeer, f