Tiedosto:Reuverian curve zachos 2001 raw data.PNG

Alkuperäinen tiedosto (1 600 × 766 kuvapistettä, 179 KiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/png)


English: Raw delta-O18 curve between 3,60-2,50 millios ago, that is Reuverian or Piacenzian stage. Based on James Zachos et al data file

2001 compliationdata.txt on web site

Zachos, J.C., Dickens, G.R., and Zeebe, R.E., 2008, An early Cenozoic perspective on greenhouse warming and carbon-cycle dynamics. Nature. |Vol 451|17 January 2008|doi:10.1038/nature

https://jameszachos.sites.ucsc.edu/publications/ http://www.es.ucsc.edu/~jzachos/Data/2008CompilationData.xls

Y-axis is column 3 on file, that is is uncorrected delta_018. X axis is dating millions of years ago.

Python code to produce plot Note: You must preprocess data w/ spreadsheet and text editor

    1. drawing climate diagram in python 3
    2. version 2.11
    3. 11.9.2020

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import interpolate from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, AutoMinorLocator) import scipy.signal

beginage=2.4 endage=3.8 beginy=1.8 endy=5.0

datafilename="compilation1.csv" captioni="Reuverian period - benthic D-O18" savename="lisiecki.svg"

figsizex=16 figsizey=8

size0=14 size1=16 size2=18 size3=24

dfin0=pd.read_csv(datafilename, sep=";")

  1. age_Ma;d18O_ajd;d13C

col1='age_Ma' col2='dO18_ajd'


dfin1 = dfin0[dfin0.columns.intersection(lst1)]

x0=dfin1[col1] y0=dfin1[col2]

x=np.array(x0) y=np.array(y0)

  1. y_savgol = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(y,31, 3)

y_savgol = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(y,31, 3)

  1. y_running = running_mean(y, 31)

  1. x_sm = np.array(x)
  2. y_sm = np.array(y)
  3. x_smooth = np.linspace(x_sm.min(), x_sm.max(), 20000)
  4. funk1 = interpolate.interp1d(x_sm, y_sm, kind="cubic")
  5. y_smooth = funk1(x_smooth)

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

  1. ax1.axis((11600,14000,0,ymax1))

ax1.set_xlim(beginage, endage) ax1.set_ylim(beginy, endy)

  1. ax1.set_ylim(-35.0, -42.0)

plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis()

ax1.set_ylabel('delta-O18', color='#0000ff', fontsize=size2+2)

ax1.plot(x,y, color="#005f00", linewidth=3,label="NGRIP delta-O18")

  1. ax1.plot(x_smooth,y_smooth, color="#0000ff", linewidth=3,label="NGRIP delta-O18")

ax1.plot(x,y_savgol, color="#a0FFa0", linewidth=1, label="SavGol filter, 21 and 3")

  1. ax1.plot(x,y_running, color="#FF0000", linewidth=3)

  1. ax1.plot(x,data_avg1, color="#ff0000", linewidth=2, linestyle=":", label="Average of NGRIP, GISP, GISP2 delta-O18")

ax1.text(3.44, 4.7, "Reuver A -->", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(3.44,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30) ax1.text(3.00, 4.7, "B1", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(3.00,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30) ax1.text(2.76, 4.7, "B2", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(2.76,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30) ax1.text(2.66, 4.7, "B3", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(2.66,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30) ax1.text(2.6, 4.7, "C1", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(2.6,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30) ax1.text(2.55, 4.7, "PT?", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(2.55,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30) ax1.text(2.44, 4.7, "PT?", fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='left') ax1.plot(2.44,4.9, marker="v", color="green",markersize=30)

ax1.plot(2.69,2.5, marker="o", color="blue",markersize=26) ax1.plot(2.52,2.5, marker="o", color="blue",markersize=26)

ax1.plot(2.85,2.5, marker="o", color="blue",markersize=26)

ax1.plot(3.125,2.5, marker="o", color="blue",markersize=26)

ax1.plot(3.3,2.5, marker="o", color="blue",markersize=26) ax1.plot(3.35,2.5, marker="o", color="blue",markersize=26)

    1. warm

ax1.plot(2.63,2.4, marker="o", color="red",markersize=26) ax1.plot(2.985,2.4, marker="o", color="red",markersize=26)

ax1.plot(3.4,2.4, marker="o", color="red",markersize=26)

ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=size2)

ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.05))

ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1.0)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.1))

ax1.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', linewidth='0.1', color='black') ax1.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth='0.1', color='black')

ax1.set_xlabel('Age ma BP', color="darkgreen", fontsize=size2+2)

ax1.set_title(captioni, fontsize=size3, color="#0000af")


fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(figsizex, figsizey, forward=True)

plt.savefig(savename, format="svg", dpi = 100)


Päiväys 3. elokuuta 2008 (tallennuspäivä)
Lähde Oma teos
Tekijä Merikanto


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3. elokuu 2008


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766 pikseli

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nykyinen13. syyskuuta 2020 kello 20.03Pienoiskuva 13. syyskuuta 2020 kello 20.03 tallennetusta versiosta1 600 × 766 (179 KiB)MerikantoNew layout
3. elokuuta 2008 kello 20.29Pienoiskuva 3. elokuuta 2008 kello 20.29 tallennetusta versiosta840 × 350 (21 KiB)Merikanto~commonswikireuverian age paleoclimatology curve, basea zachos et al data 2001 Category:Paleoclimatology
3. elokuuta 2008 kello 19.31Pienoiskuva 3. elokuuta 2008 kello 19.31 tallennetusta versiosta840 × 350 (21 KiB)Merikanto~commonswiki{{Information |Description={{en|1=Raw delta-O18 curve between 3,60-2,50 millios ago, that is Reuverian or Piacenzian stage. Based on James Zachos et al data file 2001 compliationdata.txt on web site http://www.es.ucsc.edu/~jzachos/Publications.html. Y-axi

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