KuvausSouthwest airlines hq from east 2009-06-22.jpg
English: Headquarters building of Southwest Airlines, located at 2702 Love Field Dr, Dallas, TX , taken from the parking lot on the east side of the building adjacent to Love Field at approximately 7pm.
Español: La sede del Southwest Airlines, en 2702 Love Field Boulevard en Dallas
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The architectural work depicted in this photograph may be covered under United States copyright law (17 USC 120(a)), which states that architectural works completed after December 1, 1990 are protected. However, architectural copyright in the United States does not include the right to prevent the making, distributing, or public display of pictures, paintings, photographs, or other pictorial representations of the work.
Note: per the decision of Leicester v. Warner Brothers, works of art that are integrated in a building as original components of it can be freely used by virtue of 17 USC 120(a), without needing permissions from the artists of those works of art. See also COM:CRT/United States#Freedom of panorama for more information.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Headquarters building of Southwest Airlines, located at 2702 Love Field Dr, Dallas, TX , taken from the parking lot on the east side of the building adjacent to Love Field at approximately 7pm.}} |Source=Own work by uploa
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