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KuvausWEOG 2010.png
English: A map of the Western European and Others Group (WEOG), an unofficial group of the United Nations, with the number of years each member has served on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), as of 2010.
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Alkuperäinen tallennusloki
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2010-02-23T18:00:48Z Maps & Lucy 2100x1525 (131745 Bytes) Fixed the border of Kosovo with Serbia, proportioned British Overseas Cyprus Territories, San Marino, Vatican City, Monacco, and the Spanish Overseas Moroccan Territories, and added Guersney, Jersy, Liechtenstein, and Gibralt
2009-03-30T16:12:12Z Cradel 2100x1525 (131867 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:12, 8 March 2009
2009-03-20T22:20:11Z Avala 2100x1525 (70412 Bytes) what does this map represent? upload an alternative for unofficial views
2009-03-08T17:12:32Z Cradel 2100x1525 (131867 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 06:05, 5 April 2008
2008-11-20T01:00:56Z Tocino 2100x1525 (70412 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 19:36, 19 March 2008
2008-04-05T06:05:34Z Hoshie 2100x1525 (131867 Bytes) added the UK SBAs on Cyprus
2008-03-22T21:58:25Z Nightstallion 2100x1525 (131807 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:35, 13 March 2008
2008-03-19T19:36:48Z Patstuart 2100x1525 (70412 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 18:16, 11 March 2008 - see [[Image talk:BlankMap-World-v6.png#As stated in reversion]]
2008-03-13T16:35:26Z Nightstallion 2100x1525 (131807 Bytes) upload a variant if you wish, but the majority in Europe recognises or will recognise.
2008-03-11T18:16:50Z Avala 2100x1525 (70412 Bytes) there is no consensus in Europe
2008-02-24T02:42:03Z Hoshie 2100x1525 (131807 Bytes) Added Kosovo since it has been internationally recognized
2007-05-02T09:05:00Z Roke 2100x1525 (70412 Bytes) better version derived from svg
2006-06-26T06:32:12Z Roke 748x546 (27077 Bytes) minor - bottom left box
2006-06-26T05:53:48Z Roke 748x546 (27099 Bytes) {{Information |Description= blank map of europe, including north africa and western asia. With french overseas territories shown in inset lower left (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion) |Source= derived from [[:Im
{{Information |Description=A map of the Western European and Others Group (WEOG), an unofficial group of the United Nations, with the number of years each member has served on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), as of 2010. |Source=*[[:File:BlankM